140 files found in Library "Miscellaneous BBS utilities (0-9, A-L)"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
10VIDEOS.ZIP Yes 7027 12/4/1993 Top Ten Movie Video Rental Bulletin generator. *** FREE ***
1LPPL110.ZIP Yes 7899 6/19/1993 Oneliners v1.10; PPL Version Displays oneliners to user, asks if he would like to add one, shows node display. Displays Last Few Callers. For use with PCBoard 15.0 
3DTIME11.ZIP Yes 26983 10/9/1993 3DTIME11; 3D Time Log is designed to do one simple task, keep track of the elapsed time spent in a door or hook. 3D Time Log appends the elapsed time info to a file named in the same directory it is executed from. 
AF_200.ZIP Yes 12135 1/20/1994 ��� ALL FILES LIST GENERATOR v2.00 ��� Generates Robo/FX 1.02 master file lists by doing either all file areas, or by using any forum. NO SETUP!!!! All that is needed is to copy the *.EXE to your RoboFx directory, and run it! Has simple command line commands to create file lists during your nightly maint. Tested on 50000 files taking up over 10 Giga Bytes!! No more lockups due to overflows. Another program by Brent Shellenberg.
ALLSTATS.ZIP Yes 2794 8/23/1993 ALLSTATS.BRP - TriBBS 5.0 ansi stat screen with 45 different @-Variables. 
ALTER20.ZIP Yes 22780 8/26/1993 "Who's on" for Each Node Adjuster For MULTI-NODE BBS's For T.A.G. BBS 2.6d-f 
ANS2MSG.ZIP Yes 12121 9/25/1993 ANS2MSG will translate an ANSI file to a Renegade compatible *.MSG file format using Renegade's pipe color code system. 
ANUFI20.ZIP Yes 30435 5/22/1993 New files manager for RA, Spanish Docs. 
AS2PB.ZIP Yes 5654 7/13/1993 SUBUP 1.00: Allows use of AutoScribe or compatible subscription doors with Powerboard BBS ver 1.2+. 07/13/93.
AVERIFY5.ZIP Yes 51089 8/16/1993 SpitFire Auto Verify v1.05: Spitfire Door Program For Sysops Who Use Trial Subscription Security Levels 
BACKSLSH.ZIP Yes 414 1/5/1994 MDM file for Backslash v32/v42 modems 
BBSPLAN.ZIP Yes 13678 11/27/1993 BBSPlan - List Wildcat conf/file areas 
BCRC100.ZIP Yes 382122 6/27/1993 B-CRC(c) File Upload Checker by CRC Signature for DOOR.SYS based BBS's. Verifies ZIP, GIF, JPEG and sfxEXE's while online. Generates complete report of duplications on your BBS. SCANS files after U/L for duplicates and sends report to user & log. Scan's CD-ROM's. Menu Driven. Easy to setup. IRQ & Comports to 15. Many enhanced features! 
BCSUTI.ZIP Yes 27770 12/13/1993 BCSUTI v1.1; Universal Text Interface for SPITFIRE 
BDGIFT22.ZIP Yes 26692 1/19/1994 Birthday Gift 2.2 For Spitfire; Give Your Users The Gift Of Extra Time On Their Birthday! Many Features! 
BFE1410P.ZIP Yes 249218 8/16/1993 The World's Premier BBS Front End System.
BR2U.ZIP Yes 3302 10/7/1993 ��������������BR [PPE] v.2���������������Ŀ �BR [PPE] is a BR command replacement ment� �for use by users to send messages to one � �another. It logs all messages to the � �callers log. *** NEW CODE *** � �����������������������������������������´ �������������������������������������������
BRKCLD9.ZIP Yes 12854 8/26/1993 Utility to break the large board file list into multiple smaller files. Breaks at logical file sections. Documentation and source included. 
BWLOC10.ZIP Yes 1616 9/27/1993 BWLOC.PPE v1.0; Bad Weather Log Off Command. Displays a message to user with your BBS name and then logs them off the bbs normally. 
CALNUM10.ZIP Yes 10433 10/2/1993 CallNum v1.0; Add a colorful logon screen to greet your users with the number of total system calls (i.e. "You are caller number 34314"), but the actual caller number is in BIG ANSI characters! 
CBLOCK10.ZIP Yes 18390 8/8/1993 C-Block v1.0; Renegade/GTE Call Block Utility! Visual Display Of Calls That Are Blocked Adds message on the users SysOp note, if the user has been Call-Blocked. 
CC46SPIT.ZIP Yes 317412 11/12/1993 Changes Display Files on certain days 
CCALL202.ZIP Yes 57368 10/25/1993 �����������������������������������ķ � ���CCALL v 2.01��� � � The �BEST� Callers log Scanner � � for WILDCAT BBS systems! : � � � Fully Customizable ANSI OutPut! � � � Scans your FD log for Mail Runs!� � � Virtually CRIPPLE FREE!! � ��COMMERCIAL QUALITY/SHAREWARE PROGĽ 
CCOOL101.ZIP Yes 171525 7/27/1993 Split-screen chat for Searchlight BBS 
CENTPPE.ZIP Yes 8109 9/12/1993 PCBoard [PPE]; This program for PCBoard 15.0 Sysops: ONLY, shall create applications for Centipede & take care of any questions Users may ask about Centipede. Also good for Sysops who want to see more about this Network, and understand what we're about: 
CKLEVL11.ZIP Yes 9761 6/9/1993 PCBoard Security Level Report Generator - utility which generates a report of the various security levels with number of users in each level as well as listing user names under each security level.
CKWHO11.ZIP Yes 11121 6/17/1993 CKWHO v1.10 - Utility for viewing your BBS's activity while you are on the � network. Displays a screen with similar � information to PCBoards WHO command. Can have as many nodes as PCBoard since it allows you to page up and down between screens. For Version 15.0 of PCBoard. 
CLBKV351.ZIP Yes 80458 12/22/1993 MY CallBack verifier by SteveSoft. POWER BASIC 3.0 Re-write! Gives up time slices in DV. 2 command line options! Detects printer off-line. COM1-COM4, 300-115000 baud, any interrupt. Will use a FOSSIL driver. DIALBACK option for extended calling areas! TRASHCAN file for SysOp to add known bad numbers! Will not dial 900, 911, 976, or 555 numbers! Clear logging in the log files.
CLINT200.ZIP Yes 2619 7/5/1993 CLINTON v2.00; PCBoard 15.0 PPL application (includes source code) to display a friendly conservative message. SysOp customizable. 
CLINTEGL.ZIP Yes 1003 8/3/1993 Replacement graphics screen for use with the CLINTON.PPE program. A bit snazzier than the plain old default CLNTG file that came with CLINT200.ZIP. This version adds WAIT and CLS macros to the end of the file for a pause before executing the command. 
CMNTPPE1.ZIP Yes 3811 8/27/1993 [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0 or higher. This PPE compiled Aug. 28 93 Multiple SYSOP commenting system, allows to pick the appropriate sysop from a list. 
CONADD10.ZIP Yes 27273 7/11/1993 ������������������������������������������ķ � CONADD v 1.0 � ������������������������������������������Ľ CONADD is a SYSOP's utility that facilitates easy local uploads to a BBS system. It will move archives to the correct directory and at the same time update the FILE LIST for that particular area. Works with most BBS File list types. It fast easy to use and can be confiured just the way you want, also allows multiple config files for local uploads to different areas of you BBS system. ������������������������������������������ķ � Written By Paul Giraud author OF CONDIZ. � � Shareware R40.00 � ������������������������������������������Ľ
CPD_100.ZIP Yes 67851 7/29/1993 SpitFire CPD Call Per Day v1.10c ** Part of a New type of Utilities written by a SpitFire BBS SysOp who wants to see more people creating Inexpensive Add-Ons for our BBSi
CREDIT18.ZIP Yes 85103 9/12/1993 v1.8 of the credit card PPE. Allows for your designation of YOUR countrys money symbol. 
CSPRO10.ZIP Yes 309338 11/13/1993 CatScan Professional v. 1.0 "The Intelligent File Processor" CSPro is the state-of-the-art in Upload File Processors. No other upload file processor provides the rich feature set that Catscan Professional provides its users. Such features include, built in duplicate file CRC checker, internal messaging system, 100% configurable ANSI screen, supports DIGI and Uart, supports RIP Script, speeds up to 115k baud, uses up to 15 virus scanners at one time, retains only 3.5k of conventional memory when swapped to disk or EMS, CSPro is your new "Hired Hand" that can make your file area appear like a hard working Sysop is behind all the work. 
CW_IA_20.ZIP Yes 15652 10/11/1993 IntApp/Intelec Network Application Generator v2.0 - Complete network information database with search options for conference, nodelist and more! Freeware PPE, installs in CMD.LST. IntApp requires an up to date net info file. DL IN-yymm.ZIP for network info/application. 
CW_MQ_13.ZIP Yes 8427 8/15/1993 MsgQuest v1.3 A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE to place script questionnaire answer files into your message bases & fully configurable too! Registration is req'd to remove Unregistered from tag but registration is free. 
CW_PPP20.ZIP Yes 98793 10/11/1993 The PCBoard PPE PowerPack! v2.0 Twelve great PCB 15.0 PPE Shareware & Freeware utilities! ConfJoin HowHeard MsgQuest Pro-Vote SpeedLim WelcoMat TimeZone BBSListr UserNews PPE-Menu IntApp and PenApp!! All now distributed in 1 complete package! Check out PowerPack today! 
CW_SP_10.ZIP Yes 11165 10/17/1993 SubscriP v1.0! PCB 15.0 PPE Utility from CW! Would you like to offer *instant* subscriber upgrades to your users?? Do you hate dealing with credit cards and c.c. companies? Do you wish there was an easier and more affordable way? Now there is! NO charge-backs & NO cuts or percentages to the CC company!! This is a "pre-release" of SubscriP & soon part of the PCBoard PPE Powerpack! CW-PPP21 coming soon! 
CZBETA2C.ZIP Yes 339540 7/13/1993 CheckZip (CZip) v2.00�C; The ULTIMATE Upload Processor! Test ZIP/ARJ/LZH/ZOO/PAK/SDN/GIF /TD0! Convert from ANY using any converter Test uploads for valid CRC's, Viruses File dates (4 ways), Dupes. Extract archive comments to a logfile, Remove comments or add your own. Remove BBS ads by BBS/CRC and add you own. Touch dates. Remove -AV tage. Move/Protect -AV protected files. Configurable ANSI screen, custom comments. Finds archive type based on signature. Supports non standard ports up to 115.2K, Works with ANY BBS software. Import DIZ descriptions into RA 2.x/FILES.BBS 
DATAV45B.ZIP Yes 134079 11/21/1993 �������������������������������������Ŀ � � � � � ��Ķ ��ķ � ��ķ � � � ��ķ � � � � � � ��Ķ � ��Ķ � � � ��Ľ � � � � ��Ľ ��Ľ � ��Ľ ��Ľ � ��Ľ ���Ľ � � � Version 4.5� � � ��������������������������������������� The BEST online archive [V]iewer for WildCat! 3.xx BBS systems! Supports standard and digiboard ports. Views ZIP, ARJ, LZH, PAK, SDN, ARC, EXE, and all text and binary files. Allows text reading, text searching, virus scanning, integrity scan, internal archive viewing, and much much more!
DB100.ZIP Yes 60959 12/28/1993 Wildcat! 3.x Utility to keep track of Users who Drop Carrier rather than log off. Writes a DataBase and a Display file that you can Name. Allows you to decide how many Droped carriers are too many. Runs from POSTCALL.BAT
DCALL23.ZIP Yes 20709 8/24/1993 Deluxt Callers v2.3; The Best 'last callers' Utility. For PCBOARD 15.0! A simple .PPE to use. Installs in just a few minutes. SysOps, surprise your users with a last callers list that has an *amazing* look!. Can be used at logon and/or in blt. (16800/57600 baud fixed, new choice of colors, optimised) 
DDM11.ZIP Yes 11756 5/31/1993 DDM - DoubleSpace Disk Manager DDM provides a menu'ed interface to mount and unmount a doublespaced diskette. Requires MS-DOS 6.0 phWARE Software Ft. Washington, Md. 20744 Wesley Peace, phWARE Software
DELSHL11.ZIP Yes 39632 9/14/1993 DelShell v1.1; Designed to run DELREN on multiple messages areas. Read GTMDIR.BBS, or an alternate GTMDIR.BBS and operate one each message area. Optionally Export/Import MMR's pointers via MM_PTCNV prior to executing Delren. You must have DELREN.EXE in order to use this utility. 
DEPOS103.ZIP Yes 67713 8/1/1993 The Depository Bank v1.03 : This PPE is written exclusively for PCBoard : version 15.x. The purpose of this PPE is to : allow your users to bank TIME or BYTES and : to recover them when needed. It will also : allow the user to exchange the saved time : for bytes or bytes for time. No maintenance : is required by the Sysop once the PPE is : installed. Registration: $15.00 :
DIZ2P109.ZIP Yes 33753 7/25/1993 DIZ/2-PCB v1.09; PCBoard utility to extract FILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK files, adds the # of files, newest/oldest file dates and the uncompressed size. Local Uploading. Removes unwanted BBSAds, archive comment generator. The fastest and most powerful processor out! 
DIZED49C.ZIP Yes 73776 3/12/1994 DIZEDIT v4.9c; Allows editing of description files found in archives. Supports ZIP, ARJ and LZH formats. Ability to CONVERT archive to a particular default format, COPY file and ADD ARCHIVE COMMENT for ZIP and ARJ files. DIZEDIT easily allows you to create/edit the FILE_ID.DIZ (or SDI, DES), and automatically repacks the archive on exit. NEW Virus SCAN, repack with NEWEST date, and ARJ, PKZIP switches. If you run a BBS, you NEED this! 
DIZZY1.ZIP Yes 12568 9/23/1993 DIZZY; Free DOS utility: FILE_ID.DIZ off- line reformatter v1.01a, reformats any text file into 44 (or other spec. length) character lines, preparing it for use as a FILE_ID.DIZ (a BBS .ZIP file contents descriptor). W/ Pascal source. 
DIZZY41A.ZIP Yes 60910 6/20/1993 ����������������������������������͸ � ***** DIZZY V.4.1a ***** � � Now you can import FILE_ID.DIZ � � or OTHER DESC. to your FILES.BBS � � � � # Support FLSEARCH.CTL / LIST.CTL� � # (Opt.) Only New Files � � # (Opt.) Safe FIRST or LAST Line � � of OLD-DESCRIPTION � � # (Opt.) ADD/KILL Files to Archiv� � # (Opt.) Scan/Repack Archives � � # Info about Files MOD/JPG/GIF...� � # English & German DOC � � � � (c) 1993 Christian Mueller � ����������������������������������;
DLCNT10.ZIP Yes 21210 10/14/1993 ProDoor/PCBoard File Download Counter v1.0; Analyze the PCBoard DOWNLOAD.TXT log file and update your DIR listing files to include the number of times each file has been downloaded. Compatible with DOWNLOAD.TXT files trimmed by TRIMDL14.ZIP. Includes Turbo Pascal Source 
DLDCOU1A.ZIP Yes 44340 10/8/1993 DLDCOUNT v1.1a; Download Counter updates you PCB DIRs with: Downloaded xx Time(s) IMPROVED BULLETIN DISPLAY Creates Blt * Uncrippled Shareware Incredibly fast - Runs in Event 
DLINE15A.ZIP Yes 61745 1/16/1994 DATELINE 1.5a Calendar and event database for BBS. Generates ASC and ANS bulletins, updates files by deleting outdated entries. Contains a built in Calendar feature for easy monthly planning.
DLINFO11.ZIP Yes 4975 9/12/1993 DLINFO.PPE v1.01; PCBoard v15.0 [PPE] program to replace your prompts 159, 669, 670, 674, 675 to enhance user information when they don't have enough download bytes remaining or would exceed limits/ratios. 
DLTRIM9E.ZIP Yes 37478 6/26/1993 DLTrim v.9E� - for PCBoard v14.5 & v15 Trims filenames from DOWNLOAD.TXT that are no longer available for download. Bug-fix for small IDX files. Other utils that use DOWNLOAD.TXT will now give a more accurate picture of current UL/DLs on your BBS! 
DLTXT11.ZIP Yes 20333 7/22/1993 DLTxt v1.1; Generic DownLoad.TXT analyser to assist you in creating (PCBoard) bulletins with statistical info on users' downloads and uploads of specified files. Smart WildCards are supported (S*T matches SMART, not SOME that DOS would). 
DODIZ101.ZIP Yes 49584 12/13/1993 ���۲�� DODIZ v 1.01 ���۲�� �������������������������������������������ͻ � Creates File_id.diz Desc.sdi File.BBS � � Will also Up-Date Archive File. � �������������������������������������������ͼ Currently Supports ARJ,ZIP,ZOO,LHA Program is Not Crippled. Registration is $10.
DOWNLIST.ZIP Yes 9936 12/15/1993 Creates List of Files your Users download 
DROP11.ZIP Yes 214004 8/15/1993 DROPPERS v1.1; The main purpose is to create USERxxxx.BBS every time a user drop carrier. USERxxxx.BBS is made up of a HEADER and COMMENT file. Each Header and comment file can be configured for each profile and number of drop carrier. And a lot more. 
DRS090B.ZIP Yes 45806 8/26/1993 The Duplicate Removal System (DRS) v0.9. The Duplicate Removal System allows PCBoard sysops to eliminate all duplicate revisions of files from their BBS, thereby conserving disk space. A must for the serious sysop! 
DSDSTA10.ZIP Yes 39577 10/6/1993 DSD Statistics Generator V1.0 User statistics generator for RemoteAccess V1.1 / 2.0. Generates a selection of ANSI / ASCII text files that contain a list of the top users in areas such as Number of calls, Number of Messages, Uploads and Downloads among other things. 
DSFC12.ZIP Yes 52917 9/18/1993 DSFONCHK v1.2; This is a MUST for every TriBBS Sysop! DSFonChk will search through your users' phone numbers, and make a file list of all of all the duplicates! Keep people from having more than 1 account! Also configurable for married couples who each have their own account on your board! 
DSJM10.ZIP Yes 26177 9/18/1993 JUMPMENU v1.0; Jump from menu to menu without having to go through the Main Menu! Give TriBBS 4.x a Quick Logon just like 5.0! Multi-Node ready! 
DSJ_Q10.ZIP Yes 51857 9/18/1993 DSJ&Q v1.0; The ultimate Joke and Quote Generator! Your choice of words! Your choice of Colors! Blinking or not Blinking! Centered or not Centered! You decide! Multi-Node ready! Unlimited Joke or Quote capacity! 
DSMM12.ZIP Yes 44407 8/18/1993 MSTRMAKR v1.2; Master File List Maker! Makes a Master File Listing of your File Areas for all to download! Configurable to specific File Areas and will automaticaly archive the list with the compression utility of your choice! 
DSPAGE20.ZIP Yes 37406 7/1/1993 DSPAGE v2.0; Sysop Page Bell Changer. Now has the option of sending the caller a screen stating if the Sysop is available for chat, or not. For TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems. 
DSSS10.ZIP Yes 46444 9/18/1993 SUBSET v1.0; Automatically set a new users subscription expiration date to any number of days from their first logon! For TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems. 4.0 and up only! 
EU_11.ZIP Yes 2925 8/13/1993 [PPE] ExUser v1.1. Exempts certain users from forced password changes. Useful if you run a mail hub and don't wish to force your net SysOps to change passwords and scripts. Must have Password PSA enabled. 
EXMASCRD.ZIP Yes 38688 11/16/1993 Dos Executing RoboSysop Xmas Card,RoboBoard 
EXPIR101.ZIP Yes 2737 7/25/1993 EXPIRE! v1.01; A PCBOARD 15.0 .PPE utility that will allow you to change the expiry date of the online user. Passcode protected so it can be used at security level 0(zero). 
EXPRES15.ZIP Yes 45463 8/23/1993 Expressions BBS Logon Messenger v1.5; This is a much improved version of my Logon Messenger. This version has been recomplied using TriDoor1.21 and fixes a bug that was causing the program to scroll from the bottom of screen to the remote user. This has a very easy setup that uses LOGON.BAT for TriBBS, and it should now work with most major BBS software. 
EXZT223K.ZIP Yes 188957 9/17/1993 ExZTest 2.23 �eta 11 - THE upload tester. Some small improvements for those still using it! This is a public beta release. Please direct all questions to the ExSupport conference on participating boards. 
EZP100.ZIP Yes 29366 10/6/1993 EZPEEK v1.0; A full-featured BBS archive viewer. Created specifically for Ezycom! 
EZV121.ZIP Yes 130922 8/28/1993 EZVERIFY 1.21; The first and only full-featured callback verifier created specifically for the Ezycom BBS! Guaranteed to work with Ezycom 1.02! It's easy to set up, yet includes many configurable options for the advanced sysop. 
EZY2AREA.ZIP Yes 9019 6/28/1993 EZY2Area v1.0; Utility for converting EZYcom BBS v1.0x message area configuration to a QBBS/RA compatible type "AREAS.BBS" file. 
EZYDROP.ZIP Yes 8413 10/6/1993 EZYCOMM BBS Drop Carrier Bulletin Creator. 
FAHC052B.ZIP Yes 12530 10/6/1993 Ezycom BBS Freeware File Area Banner Creator. 
FASTAT11.ZIP Yes 33591 10/2/1993 File Area STATistics v1.1: Generate bulletin files showing file area statistics. Supports multiple conferences. For Powerboard 1.25a 
FBOXSF1A.ZIP Yes 113367 7/26/1993 File Box! For Spitfire 3x v1.1a; Fast Private File System! Many Features! ANSI and More! 
FC_03.ZIP Yes 11361 9/24/1993 FileCost v0.3; FileCost will update your files database with credits as you define. FC can update ALL files or just those that have no credits applied yet. FileCost can optionally give users credits for the files they have uploaded. For RemoteAccess 2.0x 
FDUDE40.ZIP Yes 149540 7/19/1993 FILEDUDE v4.0 for Renegade BBS Software The final answer to your file management woes. Many features: CD-ROM / FILES.BBS import; FILE_ID.DIZ import (unlimited lines); File entry fixing and maintenance; Extremely flexible file lister; Convert archives;
FFIX102.ZIP Yes 50085 11/29/1993 FileFix v1.02 - File area rearranger DEMO 
FILE2JUL.ZIP Yes 13755 8/15/1993 FILE2JUL v1.0 - Backup LOG files using Julian date
FILECON.ZIP Yes 28835 10/15/1993 FILECON v1.0; First release of a files list formatter for TRIBBS. The program fully supports both Hard disks and CD-ROMs. It automatically recognizes FILES.BBS and PC-BOARD style files lists and converts both to TRIBBS format. This utility has been fully tested on 9 different CD-ROM collections, and has worked well in testing. 
FILEPRO.ZIP Yes 130888 12/6/1993 FILEPRO v1.0 - Tag/Move/Copy/Delete files 
FILES_SF.ZIP Yes 9902 12/24/1993 FILES_SF v1.2; Converts FILES.BBS To SFFILES. 
FIXLIST.ZIP Yes 6733 9/29/1993 Convert WC Pro 3.01 Two line file lists to use with WCFILE. 
FLAG22.ZIP Yes 20473 9/28/1993 FLAG.PPE, v2.2, a replacement for PCBoard's internal "more?" prompt, gives PCBoard v15.0 the easiest-to-use system for flagging and viewing files of any BBS around. It gives callers the ability to point and shoot when flagging or viewing files. Includes source code and may be customized to suit your BBS's needs. Version 2.2 adds screen saving and restoring across a file view. 
FLISTER2.ZIP Yes 139751 11/5/1993 Creates ALLFILES listing, built in reader 
FLOTQP22.ZIP Yes 6274 9/21/1993 FLORIDA LOTTO QUIK PIK v2.2 for PCB v15.0 This is a PPE program that will allow your users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play in the Florida Lottery. Now supports both PICK5 and PICK6. 
FMNEWS12.ZIP Yes 8668 10/17/1993 FormNews v1.2; ANSI/ASCII screen generator. Generates screens in continuous paper mode. 
FMSFMT10.ZIP Yes 118582 12/29/1993 RBBS-PC utility merge/reformat FMS dirs. Merge new file listings into existing, reformat old dirs. Lets you resort dirs with extended descriptions. Will get descriptions from DIZ files. Mass convert category codes, change size. Batch add files to your dir listings. Very useful when incorporating new dirs from CD-Roms. Free, with Basic source, from Ken Goosens. 
FN110.ZIP Yes 4165 9/27/1993 FLAGNEW.PPE v1.10; PCBoard v15.0 [PPE] program that flags all new files in specified directories for later download. Additionally a capture file with all descriptions will be zipped and flagged for download. 
FNET_14.ZIP Yes 14174 8/13/1993 FNET@ - v1.4 A FeatherNet BBS @-MACRO developers TSR util. invokes. Handy for quick reference to FeatherNet's Xcodes and "@" macros. Can also, "TRANSFER" your selection to your work surface. See FNET@.DOC for details. This is *MORE* than a handy reference tool. Watch for other "FeatherNet Software" development TSR's for WC!, GAP, PCB, DOS, QEdit & RIP.
FNGAP_10.ZIP Yes 12405 8/13/1993 GAP@ - v1.0 A GAP BBS v6.x @-MACRO developers TSR util. invokes. Handy for quick reference to GAP's "@" macros and Xcodes. Can also, "TRANSFER" your @-Macro selection to your work surface. See GAP@.DOC for details. This is *MORE* than a handy reference tool. Watch for other "TSR" development tools from "FeatherNet Software" for FNet, WC!, PCB, DOS QEdit & RIP.
FNWC_10.ZIP Yes 12565 8/13/1993 WC@ - v1.0 A Wildcat! 3.x + @-MACRO developers TSR util. invokes. Handy for quick reference to Wildcat BBS "@" macros. Also, "TRANSFERS" a macro to your editor or graphic development program. See WC@.DOC for details. This is *MORE* than a handy reference tool. Watch for other TSR development tools from FeatherNet Software, Inc. for FNet, GAP, PCB, DOS, RIP & QEdit!
FQSF10.ZIP Yes 37711 7/26/1993 FastQuote v1.0 For Spitfire 3.x Systems; Creates Nice ANSI/ASCII Display of one line Quotes! FAST! Many Extras! 
FS_13.ZIP Yes 24451 12/1/1993 FILESTAT v1.3 SFFILES.BBS Utility for SF. Appends File Descriptions With Number of Files Inside Each ZIP/ARJ File, Oldest & Newest File Dates. AUTO-TRUNCATE SWITCH!
FTSF15.ZIP Yes 93713 1/19/1994 �� FAST THOUGHTS! v1.5 For Spitfire �� Show your users one line thoughts every time they logon! Comes with over 3500+ Thoughts Makes ANSI/ASCII Display Files!
FWKLU122.ZIP Yes 97231 8/9/1993 FWKLU122.ZIP remote Lookup kit for use with FWKCS Contents_Signature System v1.22. Use it to get complete zipfiles from the huge collections giant BBS's running FWKCS.. Avoid uploading files they already have. 
FX8_100E.ZIP Yes 495442 11/11/1993 Update 8 line version RoboBoard Fx to 1.0e 
FXADJ10.ZIP Yes 8491 11/22/1993 Adjust a couple of RoboBoard FX statistics 
FXINFO.ZIP Yes 13510 7/22/1993 RoboBOARD/FX v1.00 & Tel-FX Protocol Information: info is about a new Graphical Protocol called TEL-FX, this Protocol supports ANSI,VGA and Super VGA. Supports from 640x480 all the way too 1024x768 using (16 and 256 colors!) Can send .GIF files and as well as JPEG pictures! Sound is included for Sound Blaster and other sound cards! Uses multiple Windows that you can move around on your screen, and a message editor, like you would find in Windows 3.1 or OS/2 
FXMOUSE.ZIP Yes 17407 12/27/1993 "F/X" Mouse on RoboBoard F/X 
FXUC02B.ZIP Yes 41791 7/27/1993 FX UUCICO v0.2beta; Drop-in replacement for Waffle UUCICO. It's full compatible with Waffle 1.65, but adds a lot of new features 
FXU_006.ZIP Yes 92436 12/22/1993 FX-UTIL for RoboBoard/FX ------------------------ Generation of FILELISTs, NEWFILELISTs and FORUMLISTs Merging FILES.BBS and *.FBS; Sorting by Filename. Extracting FILE_ID.DIZ; Global Import FILES into *.FBS and more .... The BEST (??) Util there is for the FX;
FYI100.ZIP Yes 104966 12/8/1993 FOR YOUR INFORMATION v1.00 Program designed for RoboBOARD FX SysOps to promote their BBS to their local and long distance users by displaying their quality graphical screens. Plays .CMF sound files in the background with a SOUND BLASTER card. Mouse supported. FREEBIE. TOP PRODUCER BBS (801)966-0444 24 Hrs. 14.4 All Graphical. 
GLOTQP11.ZIP Yes 4861 9/21/1993 GEORGIA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.1 for PCB v15.0 This is a PPE program that will allow your users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play in the Georgia Lottery or any lottery that uses six numbers from 1 to 46. 
GRAPHFX1.ZIP Yes 202662 1/10/1994 GraphFX v1.0;Statistical bar graph generation program for RoboBOARD/FX. Reports system calls hourly, daily, or monthly (up to 7 different reports). Supports ANSI, ASCII and RoboBOARD {}-Coded TXT formats. Totally customizable colors and chart heading. Easy to set up and extremely accurate. Run as a nightly event. 
HELPER.ZIP Yes 54127 1/9/1994 Pull-Down Help menus for RoboBoard/FX 
HER110_1.ZIP Yes 510469 6/23/1993 The FileHerald v1.10 Revision 1 - a combined file listing, file announcing and filebase maintenance utility all-in- one. Supports SBBS/RA/ProBoard/QuickBBS/ RoboBBS/Wildcat!/WME and any BBS software that uses FILES.BBS style area listings. Creates custom made lists and messages. Posts messages directly into Hudson, Fidostyle and Squish message bases. Removes old files, repacks new uploads, adds comments from FILE_ID.DIZ. Make your sysop life easier, use FileHerald! Shareware with 30 days trial period.
HISTRY17.ZIP Yes 100717 7/19/1993 Year in History v1.7; which lets players guess what year events happened. Multi/bbs/node bauds up to 115k, fossil driver and dv aware, com-ports 0-15. No other files needed! Fixed the NO ANSI errors. Will work with Fossil Drivers now. 
IDXUTIL4.ZIP Yes 95180 9/18/1993 IDX-Util v4.0; PCB 15.0 Utilities List files using wildcards, List Duplicate files, cross-reference two .IDX files and list Dups or create a 3rd Index containing Dups or you can Kill the Dups. Change Drive Letters in .IDX files quickly, Edit Paths & FileNames, delete files from IDX. Merge two IDX Files. Detect which CD-Rom is in drive and change DLPATH.LST files to appropriate .IDX files. 
IHEAD100.ZIP Yes 15223 7/9/1993 I-Header File area header creator v1.0 for Ezycom BBS 
JBBS_BR2.ZIP Yes 2124 7/7/1993 The Jerusalem Brodcaster v2.0 [PPE] Let users Brodcast messages in PCB v15.0 to each other. Logs all Brodcasts, and all Attempts to your callers logs. New Interface, Freeware! Enjoy! 
JEST222.ZIP Yes 72167 9/26/1993 JestBBS 2.22 - Funny BBS utility that displays a joke at logon/logoff. OVER 2130 JOKES INCLUDED! Creates ANSI, ASCII, and optionally RIP files!
JTBBULL.ZIP Yes 21464 1/8/1994 JT's Birthday Bulletin Creator v1.0; Very Fast Screen Creator For SF 3.x Nice ANSI/ASCII Display Files 
JVDNLD02.ZIP Yes 93152 7/13/1993 JVDNLD02.ARJ 92428 07-13-93 07-13-93 from: Jim Velguth | Companion program for GT Power 1800 and above. Run in | GT_PIGGY.BAT to count downloads in download database. | Run in GTLOGOFF.BAT or nightly maintenance to make | bulletin of 20 most wanted downloads in color and | mono. Can handle multi node bbs's. Complete with | download database editor and alpha sort.
KALBK16A.ZIP Yes 5150 10/7/1993 Kallback v1.6A: PCB PPE designed to assist you in calling back users for verification. 
LAST1_41.ZIP Yes 52299 8/20/1993 Last ten caller screen creator
LASTCA1A.ZIP Yes 47778 10/8/1993 Pegasus Last Caller Analyzer v1.1a; Now controls 100+ nodes! Runs in $$LOGOFF.BAT, and creates a colorful blt with last xx callers SysOp May Exclude up to 25 names! List up to 50 callers 
LASTWRD6.ZIP Yes 37851 12/5/1993 Leave comment to next RoboBoard FX caller 
LAST_112.ZIP Yes 72311 7/21/1993 SpitFire LAST-TEN Callers Stat v1.12d ** Part of a New type of Utilities written by a SpitFire BBS SysOp who wants to see more people creating Inexpensive Add-Ons for our BBSi
LBTST25C.ZIP Yes 98602 9/23/1993 Labtest v2.5; The Definitive Upload Processor! Labtest will unarchive/scan/ convert your user's uploads and add a text file as an archive comment. Labtest will also import FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions and GIF file resolutions into the RA 2.00 database. Many Sysop configurable options, including custom messages to the uploader, set flag/security levels. Now supports imbedded archives! Exclusively for RemoteAccess 2.00 
LCLUP440.ZIP Yes 29373 6/20/1993 LOCALUP v4.40; Easy way to perform *local* (or external) uploads into a FeatherNet or pcboard file base. It includes archive and text file viewing, reading text files within archives, deleting unwanted files and FILE_ID.DIZ support. LOCALUP is 100% FeatherNet / pcboard Compatible. 
LEECH10.ZIP Yes 1716 8/1/1993 File Leech Chop Buster - PCBoard 15.0 PPE; Let your file leeches know you don't care for them! Source included. Free & fun! 
LF_ON130.ZIP Yes 13339 9/22/1993 OneLiners and More PPE v1.30: Stat Screens; One Liners; Last Few Callers; Message From Last Caller; Cosmetic Changes; New Options 
LGNMSG16.ZIP Yes 23524 8/8/1993 Log On Mesage v1.6; program to be called in LOGON.BAT or pre logon.bat type files for BBS's. Will display a sysop defined message to the user explaining that the board is not crashed, it is just executing some commands. 
LLOTQP11.ZIP Yes 4867 9/21/1993 LOUISIANA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.1 for PCB v15.0 This is a PPE program that will allow your users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play in the Louisiana Lottery or any lottery that uses six numbers from 1 to 44. 
LOGBRAIN.ZIP Yes 102571 10/18/1993 LAST CALLER LOGON.BAT GRAFITTI PROGRAM; Run with the LOGON.BAT option found in GAP. Will create a spiffy last caller file and an optional Grafitti Comment Wall. Creates a plain text ASCII and a fancy ANSI file. Sysop can configure how many last calls to show (1-20). Shows last caller's node, name, city, and a choice of baud, times on, or call date. 
LOGVIEW1.ZIP Yes 61023 8/15/1993 LogView; View, download, and delete all ascii file on-line. Search text and batch processing Baud rate up to 115200 and non-standard serial port. Novell, Lantastic, DesqView compatible. Bios or direct screen writing. 
LSCAN10.ZIP Yes 33157 12/29/1993 Log-Scan v 1.00 is a utility that will scan your ROBO_?.LOG files and grab all file XFER info and write it to a specified output file.
LSTAT087.ZIP Yes 27952 8/29/1993 LogStat RemoteAccess Log Analyzer! This RA Utility scans your compact or expanded log file and tallies up occurrences of differ- ent entries! Excellent configuration makes this program easy to set up and run. It's Shareware, only $3 to register. Not crip- pled in any way, shape, or form. 
LUCKY141.ZIP Yes 11478 10/8/1993 THE LUCKY USER PROFILE SURVEY [PPE] v1.41b; which shall by Sysop definably array, ask users to comment on your BBS, and award extra time. Creates Bulletins. Release adds a sysop definable screen, if user bypasses the ppe. 
LWBULL13.ZIP Yes 49596 10/10/1993 LWBULL v1.3 - Bulletin/News Door. LLanoWare. RA v2.xx ONLY. 
LWMENU12.ZIP Yes 63464 10/10/1993 LWMENU v1.2 - Remote SysOp Menu Editor. LLanoWare. RAv2.xx ONLY. 
LWUSER12.ZIP Yes 59863 10/10/1993 LWUSER v1.2 - Remote User Editor. LLanoWare. RA 2.xx ONLY. 
L_JIVTEC.ZIP Yes 10439 9/13/1993 Humourous language files for TriBBS 5.0: Jive and Techie!